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How Can I Help?

Partnering with the Community

Children’s Village is 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.


Children's Village serves boys and girls from the Texas foster care system and children placed privately by families who lack the financial resources to provide for their children. 


We have served the children and families in Tyler, Texas and the surrounding area for over 40 years by providing 24-hour residential care for children in our campus cottage homes.


Throughout our existence, our primary funding has come from our community partners in the form of public fundraising, grant writing, and donations from individuals, businesses, churches and civic organizations. 


Your support is used for the direct care of our children by providing for their food, clothing, shelter, and educational needs. 


Every day of the year we invest time, attention and love in the lives of boys and girls whose futures are at risk.  We don’t always see the immediate returns, but our experience is that investing in a child’s life pays dividends over the span of generations.

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Our Amazon Wishlist

The Cottage Parents have created an Amazon Wish List for specific items they need in the cottage. These range from everyday, mundane household items to books and other items that will benefit the children living in the home. The list is updated regularly. Please check it periodically to see what items you would like to purchase for the home.

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